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Is food exclusive to nutritionists? Or gastronome? Is it a matter of science or anthropology? Economics or psychology? Do you have research behind what we eat? How can research be at the service of real food and the truth of food? Where does science find our mouth and our choices?

How to bring academic and scientific knowledge to the life of each one and to help in our choices and our actions as consumers but also as citizens? 


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Ana Paula Bortoletto

She is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Faculty of Public Health, researcher at NUPENS/USP (Nucleus of Epidemiological Research in Nutrition and Health at the University of São Paulo) and technical consultant at Idec (Brazilian Institute for Consumer Protection). She was the Coordinator of the Healthy and Sustainable Food Program at Idec from 2016 to August 2020.

She was a counselor at Consea Nacional from 2014 to 2019.

He is a member of the National Nucleus of the Alliance for Adequate and Healthy Food.

Juliana Dias

Daniel's mother, journalist, PhD in History of Science, Techniques and Epistemology and Master in Science and Health Education from UFRJ. She is a Collaborating Professor at the Graduate Program in Science and Health Education and a researcher at the Study Group on Inequalities in Education and Health (Gedes), at the Nutes Institute (UFRJ). It is part of the Brazilian Forum on Food and Nutrition Sovereignty and Security (FBSSAN).

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Tatiana Rotolo

Bachelor and degree in Philosophy from USP, Master in Philosophy also from USP and Doctor in Political Science from UnB.

She has been a professor at the Instituto Federal de Brasília since 2011, where she works in the disciplines of Philosophy, Sociology, Ethics and Culture and History of Food in technical and higher courses in the area of Gastronomy and Hospitality. Since 2016, he has coordinated the Research Group on Food Culture and History. It is a beer and wine sommelier.

DayNovember 25th from 2020at11 am



how to talk about knowing the taste?

Fleeing from hermetic academicism, colocamos no caldeirão a conversation full of knowledge and seriousness and responsible for the day to day of each one of us so that eating is indeed a possibility to change worlds.

Marca Poliniza - Preto com verde limaTra


How to talk about knowing in taste?




Âncora Webinar 3
Marca Poliniza - BrancoTransparente.png

[ giving toreal food

the focus it deserves]

Food of Tomorrow Institute - Polliniza 2020

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