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Fran Paula

Quilombola from the Pantanal of Mato Grosso, Agricultural Engineer, Master in Public Health, PhD student in Social Sciences in Agriculture, Development and Society CPDA/UFRRJ, Co-founder of the Anti-Racist Scientific Alliance, member of the Environment, Agriculture and Ethnodevelopment Collective of the National Articulation Coordination Quilombola - CONAQ, researcher on racial issues, territories and agriculture and on Systems Traditional, Healthy and Sustainable Agriculture.

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José Graziano da Silva

Graduated in Agronomy from ESALQ/USP and master in Rural Economics and Sociology, both from the University of São Paulo (USP). He has a PhD in Economics from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) and a post-doctorate from the University of London and in Latin American Studies and from the University of California-Santa Cruz, in Environmental Studies. He holds several “honoris causae” doctoral titles from different universities in Latin America, Europe, Asia and Africa. He was Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) from 2012-2019 and with the implementation of the Zero Hunger Program in Brazil when he was Extraordinary Minister of Food Security and Combating Hunger in the first government of former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Before retiring as a full professor at the Unicamp Institute of Economics, he taught for more than 30 years and published 25 books and more than a hundred articles in national and foreign journals.

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Matheus Alves Zanella

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He has more than 12 years of experience in global food policy and a successful parallel career as a sustainable food chef. Matheus has co-led action-research projects with partners around the world, supported government and farmer organizations on topics related to food security and sustainable management of natural resources, and founded gastronomy projects that offer local and organic ingredients that represent the socio-biodiversity of its country of origin, Brazil. Currently, Matheus leads the Global Alliance for the Future of Food's strategy in global forums, supporting its members and partners in presenting a unified narrative on food systems and coordinated actions in international conventions, relevant United Nations committees and processes and initiatives multiple stakeholders that promote sustainable transformations in food systems.

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Maureen Santos

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She is a political scientist, climate justice activist and professor of International Relations. She coordinates the Center for Policies and Alternatives at FASE, is a professor at the Institute of International Relations at PUC-Rio and coordinator of the Socio-Environmental Platform at the BRICS Policy Center, and advisor to the Council for Social Participation and Diversity (CPS). He has a master's degree in Political Science from IFCS/UFRJ and a degree in International Relations from UNESA/RJ. For over 20 years, she has worked on the topics of international trade, climate justice, and the socio-environmental impacts of the agro-industrial chain, having been the organizer of the Meat Atlas and the Agribusiness Atlas, both published by the Heinrich Böll Foundation.

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