- it is a Way to Change the World.
Isto não é (apenas) um livro de receitas - é um jeito de mudar o mundo.
This is not (Only) a Cookbook - it is a way to change the world.
Esto no es (solo) un libro de recetas
We are facing a paradigm in crisis.
The increase in malnutrition, which affects the hungry and obese, goes hand in hand with climate change and the loss of biodiversity. The standardization of food, inherited from the supposed “green revolution”, proves to be obsolete and dangerous for human health and the sustainability of the planet.
To change the lens and act, it is necessary to change the way of looking.
This is a cookbook, because the monoculture of the land comes with the monoculture of the mind and flavor. Recipes invite us to action, to return to the kitchen, to socialize, to touch and get to know their food.
But this is not (just) a cookbook ... we expanded the scope and mixed, over 9 chapters, some of the main impacts of the current food system in Brazil, bringing challenges and solutions, mixing science with cuisine, the technical content with food traditions.
“This is not (just) a Cookbook: it is a Way to Change the World” is a publication by Instituto Comida do Amanhã in partnership with the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) and the Heinrich Böll Foundation - Brazil .
37 recipes
14 articles
This is a way to change the world through food.
To change paradigms we need to bring food to the center of the table and the discussion.
And that is what this publication proposes. Instigated by the report “Food, Health, Planet”, launched by the EAT-Lancet commission in 2019, this publication aims to raise some of the main challenges of the food system in Brazil and bring recognition and appreciation for recipes developed in the Brazilian territory, presenting the importance of taste and
existing knowledge, food culture, so that healthy diets in sustainable food systems make sense in a contextualized and contemporary way. We have recipes using animal protein, saturated fat, sugars, side by side with native foods, full use, whole foods. Because this is not (just) a book on healthy and sustainable food systems, but it is an approximation to the real of kitchens and the Brazilian reality.
food is
culture, identity, body,
it is revolutionary.
Tradition, ancestry, food sovereignty, full use, flavors and knowledge. Nutritionists, chefs and cooks, from cities, quilombos, caiçaras, indigenous people, specialists from international organizations, leaders of social movements, together in a narrative that does not overlap, that complements and reinforces itself.
Cooking, reflecting on what to eat, understanding what food connects us to the world and who we are, is an affirmative and affectionate act.
there are no ready-made answers.
This book is an opening of several questions, as the pot heats up and the reading progresses.
If we eat it changes the world, what can we do with it?
and this is not (just) a gift, it is an invitation to transform with us ...
download, share the link, make the recipes, bookmark us with #thisisnotonlyarecipe #comidadoamanha
promote a meeting to launch the publication #thisisnotonlyacookbooklaunch, where the publication promotes a debate about the planet, food, health - we publicize and are together!
cook, taste, reconnect, regenerate, 3 times a day.