On this page we have collected and made available some of the main contributions of Professor José Graziano da Silva, our special advisor, to the debate on healthy and sustainable food systems in recent years, with more focus on his publications since 2019.
Not being a complete coverage of all its contents, we leave the invitation to deepen in your publications, in the materials developed during your leadership in FAO and all the other participations and contributions that you continue bringing in different channels and with different institutions and events.
resilient cities with healthy, fair and affordable food for all.
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about José Graziano da Silva
José Graziano da Silva is an agronomist and has a master's degree in Economics and Rural Sociology from the University of São Paulo (USP). Doctor in Economics from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), where he taught for more than 30 years, post doctor from the University of London and in Latin American Studies and Environmental Studies from the University of California. He has accumulated several academic awards: Doctor Honoris Causa in 10 Universities from 12 different countries, among other titles.
In 2001, he coordinated the formulation of the Zero Hunger Program and in 2003 he took over the Extraordinary Ministry of Food Security and Fight Against Hunger during the first government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, where he implemented the Program. After just over a year, in 2004, he became Special Advisor to the Presidency of the Republic.
In 2006, he became a regional representative of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) for Latin America and the Caribbean.
In June 2011, he was elected director-general of FAO, serving his first term at the head of the Organization until mid-2015, when he was reappointed, as a sole candidate, for a second and last term of another four years (until July 2004). 2019).
In 2019 he became Senior Advisor of Instituto Comida do Amanhã, guiding and jointly building our lines of action and contributing with his vast and recognized experience and excellence in the transformation of food systems.
Along this path, he has published more than 20 books in Portuguese, English and Spanish and regularly contributes articles to El Pais, Valor Econômico, Huffington Post, among others.
On this page, we have collected and made available some of the main contributions of Professor José Graziano da Silva to the debate on healthy and sustainable food systems in recent years, with more focus on his performance since 2019. Not being a complete coverage of all its contents, we leave the invitation to go deeper into your publications, the materials developed during your leadership at FAO and all other participations and contributions that you continue to bring in different channels and with different institutions and events.