independent dialogue for the food systems summit
How to guarantee universal access to healthy food and curb the increase in food insecurity and obesity in Brazil?
Instituto Comida do Amanhã and Instituto Fome Zero, curated by Professor José Graziano da Silva, organized an Independent Dialogue in Brazil, on May 11, 2021, for an audience of 35 invited people focused on discussing the barriers and solutions for guarantee universal access to healthy food, an issue that is increasingly urgent, given the accelerated expansion of food insecurity in the country.
The debates and proposals of each group were systematized in a single report, sent to the preparatory meeting for the summit, which will take place in July in Rome, containing an overview of what was emphasized by the participants and how the different themes were explored.
This report provides an approximate picture of how each challenge pointed out should be considered at the Food Systems Summit, to be held in September in New York, but also in the actions at national and local level that we must follow.
You can download the full report (Portuguese), the executive summary (English), and the presentation of the challenges, prepared by the dialogue curator, José Graziano da Silva.
* The independent Dialogue followed the methodology developed by the Food System Summit Dialogues. The event was held entirely online, with participants from different sectors, previously defined by the event's organization and curators. The discussions are moderated by a facilitator, in order to allow the group to formulate an action proposal for a specific problem, which is then shared with the other participants of the event.
The event is closed to guests and facilitators selected by the event's curators and their identities kept anonymous in the dissemination of the results of the debates, according to Chattam House Rules. A final summary of the discussions is made public and was sent as an independent contribution to the discussions held at the pre-summit on food systems, which takes place in Rome in July 2021.

FSD Dialogue Brazil in numbers
07 round tables / 07 facilitators / 07 urgent topics
36 participants from 5 sectors related to the food system
Total 120 minutes of encounter
curator Prof. José Graziano da Silva (former FAO director general)
discussion topics . Brazil FSD
The discussion topics are defined from a perspective of a future scenario: we ask the participants to imagine that the statements made will be true in the future and invite to debate on two main questions: how can we get there? what keeps us from getting there and needs to be unlocked? the results of these questions make up the action plan, the guidelines for moving forward on the agenda, and are systematized in the FSD report, which will be published shortly. Below, the 7 themes explored - one theme for each group.
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Delivery of school food during and post pandemic.
With the schools closed, the need to deliver food to students or alternatives found by the municipalities was imposed.
What challenges and solutions do we want to highlight to guarantee the human right to adequate food?
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challenges of return(model: hybrid, non-face-to-face, face-to-face with alternating days, fully face-to-face and others).
With the reopening of schools, several adjustments and initiatives are necessary.
What are they and how to guarantee quality and efficiency to the program?
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PNAE sustainability(economic, environmental and political-social).
Given the scenario of increasing poverty, inequality and food insecurity, school feeding programs are absolutely necessary and strategic for achieving the SDGs.
What actions should be taken to ensure its efficiency and sustainability as a policyNATIONAL?
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PNAE sustainability(economic, environmental and political-social).
Given the scenario of increasing poverty, inequality and food insecurity, school feeding programs are absolutely necessary and strategic for achieving the SDGs.
What actions should be taken to ensure its efficiency and sustainability as a policyMUNICIPAL?
Global dialogues for sustainable and healthy food systems
Due to insufficient mechanisms currently available that encourage all stakeholders in the food system to meet, talk, and agree to act together, the winner of the world food award, David Nabarro started in 2018 a global initiative called Food Systems Dialogues , by which co-organizes Dialogues on Food Systems around the world, or supports independent Dialogues to be organized, and together, these debates form a network of topics and commitments that may eventually influence the debates that will be held at the planned World Food System Summit for 2021.
The Food Systems Dialogues are, therefore, a global series of facilitated discussion roundtables, which encourages collective action to transform food systems. Each discussion table receives a discussion topic that is presented as an affirmation, an objective that must be achieved in the near future, for which the participants of the table must interact and identify how they can act, collaboratively, in this sense, and what is necessary for that statement to come true.
The main and main purpose of Food Systems Dialogues is to support the transformation that will allow, in the future, that all people have access to nutritious and healthy diets based on sustainably produced foods.
The Dialogues bring together various actors in the food systems (with expertise in agriculture, public health, food and drink, gastronomy, marketing, humanitarian action) from governments, civil society, companies and academia, to share perspectives, examine opportunities and understand the commitments that must assumed to promote change.
Since FSD launch in June 2018, more than 20 Dialogues have taken place in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and North and South America, involving more than 1,200 leaders and professionals from multiple organizations. Watch here an explanatory video by David Nabarro.
To learn more about the independent dialogues visit summitdialogues.org and the summit of food systems visit un.org/en/food-systems-summit and tinyurl.com/UNFSS1