Our food systems are responsible for 30% of all greenhouse gas emissions
IPCC, Climate change and Land Use, 2019.
53% of Brazilians live in a state of food insecurity.
*PENSSAN Network, 2021. VIGISAN, “National Survey on Food Insecurity in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Brazil”
Only 48% of public elementary schools have libraries.
*Cruz, Priscila and Monteiro, Luciano (eds.). Brazilian Yearbook of Basic Education”. São Paulo: Editora Moderna, 2019
“Utopia is there on the horizon. I approach two steps, she moves two steps away.
I walk ten steps and the horizon runs ten steps.
As far as I walk, I will never reach.
What is utopia for? That's what it's for: so that I don't stop walking.”
- Fernando Birri
Complex challenges demand new ways of looking.
Designing possible scenarios, where imagination meets real challenges, makes us move forward in the midst of the complexity that we live with hope and energy to take action and generate change._d04a07d8-9cd1 -3239-9149-20813d6c673b_
at Poliniza Buzz we start from real stories to imagine possible futures, we claim the possibility of dreaming
healthy and sustainable food systems.
The LAB Pollinates Buzz is an immersive event
where children's books are collaboratively created for 6-7 year olds about healthy and sustainable food systems in a marathon withduration of one week.
Children are transforming agents of the habits of families and their communities - reaching children we can reach groups and territories with transformative narratives. In addition, 6-7 year olds name, group, compare items and facts, allowing for initial critical thinking. This age group is also a stage in which, generally, the child develops the ability to establish logical relationships and coordinate thoughts in a coherent way. Thus, the lessons learned at this age underlie the formation of critical thinking for a whole new generation.
In a LAB Pollinates Buzz, books are created that look at food from a systemic lens, that is, that consider the various integrated stages that involve the production, distribution and consumption of food, as well as their most diverse relationships. Bringing the systemic view of food to children's books is a way of presenting how food is at the heart of our greatest challenges and, at the same time, of the most urgent and profound transformations we are experiencing.
Talking about food is talking about the most diverse relationships and alerting those who are already changing the world: people, projects, real paths that point to other futures based on food.
To bring about change we need collective action. At Poliniza Buzz we take this very seriously. The entire methodology is designed so that the books are produced in a collaborative way, enhancing the creativity that emerges in a group, in collective intelligence and talents. In order to produce books that talk about reality and propose imaginary scenarios, we also need to consider multiple worldviews. Therefore, from the collection of real stories to the completion of the Pollinating books, we will be working in a collaborative Laboratory, experimenting with forms of joint action, learning from all the processes.
We unite in creative swarms 4 people with complementary talents: Illustrators + writers + designers + editors, coming from different territories and realities.
The groups will be accompanied by facilitators and inspired by mentors specialized in the children's universe and work topics.
The Creative Lab takes place in an immersive methodology, divided into 4 stages, over 8 days. From inspiration to the final execution of a book, there is a deep process of interaction and co-creation that we will accompany and guide.
It's an adventurous path full of emotions!
Producing fantastic children's books in a week may seem impossible, but our beehive proved that it's more than possible, it's fantastic!
The first Pollina Buzz happened, imagination found the real and produced books capable of enchanting with real food stories, proving how we can change the world yes, one story at a time...
In each edition of Poliniza, illustrated children's books are developed.
All books are widely distributed, free to access and shareable, under a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license, so that anyone, anywhere can access, download, share and read the content. the pollinating stories!
The Poliniza Buzz methodology is systematized so that institutions can carry out their own marathons, contributing to the production of more books and the achievement of our mission.
The objective is that Poliniza Buzz can become a replicable methodology for the immersive creation of children's books in various organizations and with schools, towards the mission that all children, before the age of 8, have access to at least one story. on healthy and sustainable food systems.
After the completion of phase 1 of the projectPOLLINATE, and considering the reflections brought together with conversations with partners and with some managers, we realized how strategic to bet on a project that focused on the development of methodologies and materials for childhood on food systems, which would unite critical thinking, collaborative work and sensitivity creativity and capacity for synthesis that art can bring, consolidating the objectives of informing, communicating and transforming the narrative of food systems.
It was then that our dear friend and companion in the struggle for healthy and sustainable food systems in the Global South, Eduardo Shimahara, sent a provocative message. At the time, the first online edition of theBookDash, a South African project, and he launched the challenge - what if a book marathon could bring the food systems debate to the center of the table? He left this seed planted, which was maturing and structuring itself and which now materializes. A pollinating marathon appears to us as a methodological structure capable of responding to the objectives outlined, and thus the Lab Polliniza Buzz. was born
Eduardo is no longer with us, in the matter, but his life left a legacy in imaginaries planted all over the world.
To him we leave our thanks and our longing.
As principais inspirações para a metodologia do Poliniza Buzz são as iniciativas Book Dash e a empresa Book Sprints. No caso do Book Dash, a produção de livros infantis para crianças de até 5 anos se dá numa imersão, na qual uma equipe de produção com facilitadores, diretores de arte, editores e equipe de apoio, conduz times compostos por um designer, um/a ilustrador/a e um/a escritor/a cada, na produção, edição e publicação de um livro em até 12 horas. Já a Book Sprints é uma empresa que oferece o serviço de guiar diferentes pessoas, seja de uma ou de diversas organizações e áreas do conhecimento, na produção colaborativa de um livro no período de 3 a 5 dias.
Também são nossas inspirações a empresa Estante Mágica, o livro Amoras e a coletânea Histórias de Ninar para Garotas Rebeldes. Saiba mais sobre as nossas fontes inspiradoras clicando nos links abaixo: