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Comida do Amanhã Institute

A non-profit, institutionally independent and non-partisan think tank that supports the transition to healthy and sustainable, inclusive and empowering, biodiverse and culturally integrated food systems.

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Âncora 1

Eating is probably the most intimate decision with the greatest overall impact.


What we eat says a lot about the world we do want, but also about the world we do have.

our approach

From a systemic view of food, and with a broad network of partners, we act with an interdisciplinary and intersectoral approach to raise awareness and impact individuals, institutions and decision makers, with two specific and interdependent goals



we produce, adapt and communicate content and research in an interdisciplinary and creative way.



we organize and facilitate meetings, events and opportunities for intersectoral debate.



we design fertile territories for reflection and proposition promoting the collaborative debate in the search for solutions.

promote a change in behavior and understanding about food and its impacts;

advocate for public policies that enable healthier and more sustainable food systems


why a food focused think tank ?

The contemporary food system is both the cause and consequence of today's major challenges. Placing food at the center of the debate in critical, collaborative, creative and communicative ways allows for a current, high-impact look at systemic transformation - what we eat changes the world, and this is our biggest challenge and at the same time our greatest opportunity.

global sindemics

Obesity, malnutrition and climate change are growing interconnected and with consequences at various scales and in all territories.

relevance and contemporaneity


increasing environmental awareness + sense of urgency: Global and crescent interest in food-related content and innovation, and on how to achieve healthy diets within sustainable systems.

transversality and intersectoriality


of the food system impacts (social, cultural and environmental flows) - all inseparable and challenging.

commitment to the global agenda


The food system has impacts in all the 17 sustainable development goals and in the global environmental agenda

political and institutional inertia


in solving the problems arising from the food system.



Focus on three strategic, interconnected areas that serve to organize the most pressing food system challenges:



resilient cities with healthy, fair and accessible food for all.



valorization of biodiversity, food diversity and with less climate impact.

Cenouras roasted


appreciation and recognition of the link between cultural practices and food, knowledge and flavors.

core team

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Mónica Guerra Rocha

founder of Comida do Amanhã, architect, master in urban planning and management, and PhD student at University of Coimbra. Member of 50by40 Partner Advisory Council and advisor for the city council of Rio de Janeiro.

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Thais Barreto

project manager at Comida do Amanhã, graduated in advertising, MBA in business management, with over 15 years of experience in project management and communication.

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Roberta Curan

Content Producer at the Instituto Food of Tomorrow. She has a degree in Environmental Engineering, a master's degree in Applied Ecology from ESALQ/USP and has been a PhD candidate since 2021 in the same program.

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Josélia Frasão

She works as a graphic facilitator, with the Institute for Food of Tomorrow as her main client. She has a background in photography, communication and design.


Lucas Sousa

He is a content production intern at Comida do Amanhã. Graduating in Rural Development. He takes part in development projects focusing on food systems.

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Gustavo Tavares

He is a communications intern at Comida do Amanhã and is studying Design - Visual Programming at the University of Brasilia.

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Sheila Carvalho

Financial Administrative Assistant at Instituto Comida do Amanhã. Forestry and Environmental Engineer with 18 years' experience in Natural Resources Planning and Management.


Juliana Tangari

Director of Comida do Amanhã, she is a lawyer, has a master’s degree in civil law, has researched urban food policies since 2014 and was president of CONSEA-Rio from 2016 to 2018. Was member of the Food champions Network (UNFSS). 


Francine Xavier

Director of Food for Tomorrow, holds a master in sustainable development practices from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro. Has been working with education and gastronomy for 30 years.


Tárzia Medeiros

content consultant for Instituto Comida do Amanhã. Graduated in law, she is an educator and popular communicator. 

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Maria Eduarda Lemos

Project assistant at the Food of Tomorrow Institute. She is a food engineer and certification manager at the Brazilian Vegetarian Society.


Andrea Politschuck

financial assistant at Comida do Amanhã, graduated in Business Administration with more than 15 years in the financial and administrative area.

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Hellen Lima

She is responsible for Café Coado. From Paraiba, she has a degree in Gastronomy from UFPB and is a researcher in urban structures for combating hunger and eradicating poverty.


Emile Gomes

She is a communicator for the Food of Tomorrow Institute, a journalist who specializes in digital communication and audiovisual production and has a photography project with indigenous peoples.


Flávia Brito

She is a knowledge management analyst at Comida do Amanhã. She has worked for 15 years as a consultant in business management, planning and projects, process mapping and advising large companies.


João Pedro Leôncio

He is a Knowledge Management trainee at Comida do Amanhã, a graduate in International Relations from the University of Brasilia and a graduate in Food Technology from the Federal Institute of Brasilia.

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Thalita Viana

She is the administrative financial assistant at Comida do Amanhã. She has a degree in Economics from UESB and a Master's degree in Social Sciences in Development, Agriculture and Society from CPDA/UFRRJ.


Lucas Mignot

He is the financial assistant of Comida do Amanhã. A lawyer by training, in 2016 he began to dedicate himself to gastronomy. He is an instructor in the area at various institutions and works with events and consultancies.


Andressa Algave

She is a communications intern at Comida do Amanhã, a journalism undergraduate and a columnist for Primeiro Café. She won the Neusa Maria Journalism Award and took part in the Galápagos Journalism Journey.

Pão de queijo e café


We currently have no open positions.

When new opportunities arise, they will be announced here and on our networks!


contact us

Do you have something to tell us? Would you like to become a partner, volunteer, or talk to us? Fill out the form below and we will receive your contact directly to our email. 

thank you!


join us!

follow us on social media, subscribe for our newsletter above or just send us a message!

Café filtrado

Café Coado

the weekly clipping of the Food of Tomorrow Institute and the Zero Hunger Institute 

Sit back and enjoy, we'll make you some fresh coffee! Every Friday, receive a weekly clipping in your email with the most relevant news about food systems, selected and organized into themes, so you can always stay informed. 


Newsletter mensal

our monthly newsletter, with the most relevant things that happened during the month

At the end of each month we send you our monthly newsletter. Here we bring you the main publications of the month on the topics of food and cities, climate and culture; We tell you about our activities, send tips and recipes of the month with seasonal food!


partners and supporters

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networks we are part of

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Captura de Tela 2021-03-03 às 12.57.20.
Captura de Tela 2021-01-29 às 17.07.37.
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